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  • 9 September 2024
  • Life

How to apply for Bicycle insurance in Japan?

Almost everyone living in Japan owns a bicycle, but not everyone understands and registers for bicycle insurance because they feel it is an unnecessary expense, or the regulations on bicycle insurance are not implemented in their country, so they feel that having it is okay, not having it is also okay.
However, in Japan, registering for bicycle insurance is necessary to protect your rights from unfortunate events.

1. Benefits of bicycle insurance:
There are some important benefits to having bicycle insurance. Here are the main benefits:
・Third-party liability: Some insurance policies will cover you if you injure someone else or damage their property in a bicycle accident. This will help you avoid paying large amounts.

・Medical expenses in the event of an accident: Some insurance policies will cover medical expenses and treatment costs if you are involved in a bicycle accident. This will help reduce your burden.

・Theft coverage: Some insurance policies will cover losses if your bicycle is stolen. Protection against theft is important, especially if you own an expensive bicycle.

・Injury coverage: Some insurance policies include coverage for injuries caused by bicycle accidents, and will support hospital and medical expenses.

・Peace of mind: Having insurance will ease your financial worries in the event of an accident or trouble.

・Legal protection: Some bicycle insurance policies may cover attorney's fees for legal troubles. 

2. Where to buy bicycle insurance?
You can buy bicycle insurance at various places, such as via the Internet, bicycle shops, bicycle safety maintenance shops, convenience stores, and insurance agencies.

(Websites of insurance companies and insurance agencies, etc.)
You can check out the websites of these companies to decide: 損保ジャパン, 三井住友海上, 楽天損保, 自転車会員保険|一般財団法人 全日本交通安全協会
➞ 損保ジャパン:
➞ 三井住友海上:
➞ 楽天損保:
➞ 自転車会員保険|一般財団法人 全日本交通安全協会:

・Cycle shop
You can apply for insurance when purchasing a bicycle or repairing it at a cycle shop

・Convenience store
You can apply for it at any time at a nearby store.
➞ Lawson:
➞ Family mart:

・Insurance shops such as insurance companies and insurance agencies
You need to go to a store where you can consult directly and consider the compensation that suits you.

3. Conclusion
Having bicycle insurance will make you feel more secure when traveling on the road in Japan. The cost of bicycle insurance is not high but can protect your rights in case of an unexpected traffic accident.

When you are recruited for a job introduced by BOW, BOW staff will support and advise you on life issues such as housing, bicycle insurance, bank accounts, etc. Let’s not hesitate to contact BOW to find a suitable job in Japan!