In order to solve the problems of
distance and epidemic in recruitment, most companies choose the WEB interview
method to create favorable conditions for candidates who want to work at the
company. Therefore, in addition to the manners for interviews at Japanese
companies that you already know, the WEB interview manners are not simple.
Since the employer cannot approach you directly like in a regular interview,
the assessment of a candidate will also change.
Let's find out the manners you need to know for WEB
interviews with BOW!
■ Be on time!
If you are having a web interview, enter the online
conference room about three minutes before the start time. If you enter the
room on time, you risk being late for the appointment in case of connection
However, no matter how much preparation you do, the
possibility of connection problems is not zero. Therefore, we recommend that
you also check the emergency contact information in case you are unable to
enter the room. If you are still unable to connect at the end of the day,
please contact the emergency contact immediately and explain the situation to
the company.
■ Use your phone for interviews
When participating in an online interview by phone, many
candidates tend to hold the phone while participating in the interview, causing
the screen to shake all the time, and this leads to distraction for the
interviewer. This will leave a bad impression on the interviewer in terms of
interview manners.
If you are joining an interview by phone instead of a
computer or laptop, make sure your phone is stationary and unaffected by your
surroundings. You need to sit in the center of the phone screen with neat
clothes. This not only creates a comfortable conversation but also makes you
more confident and able to express your thoughts more with the interviewers.
■ Prepare to-be-asked questions in
When participating in an interview with a Japanese company,
be prepared that the entire interview will be conducted in Japanese without the
assistance of an interpreter. Therefore, preparing vocabulary and questions in
Japanese before the interview will help you to answer fluently, and confidently,
and increase your chances of passing the interview.
You can't completely know in advance the questions asked in
the interview, so being able to answer all the questions fluently is difficult.
However, please make sure that you can express information about yourself in
Japanese, such as name, age, place of residence, the company you work for, name
and job content, interests, strengths, and weaknesses, etc.
Here are some questions in Japanese you can refer to before
the interview:
1/ 自己紹介をしてください。 (Please introduce
2/ 今の会社で「どんな」仕事(しごと)をしていますか? (What kind
of job are you doing at your current company?)
3/ 給与(きゅうよ)はどのぐらい希望(きぼう)しますか? (How much
of the salary do you expect to earn?)
4/ シフトはどのくらい入りたいですか? (How many shifts do
you want?)
5/ 残業(ざんぎょう)がある場合(ばあい)がありますが可能(かのう)ですか? (
In case there is overtime, is it possible for you?)
6/ 夜勤(やきん)を希望(きぼう)しますか? (Do you want to
work the night shift?)
7/ 最終(さいしゅう)学歴(がくれき)はなんですか? (What was
your last education?)
8/ あなたの趣味(しゅみ)はなんですか? (What is your
9/ 長所(ちょうしょ)と短所(たんしょ)を教えてください。 (Tell us
your strengths and weakness)
These are just 3 basic manners for a WEB interview that you
should learn when you intend to apply for any job in Japan. We will update more
WEB interview manners on our SNS for your reference so that you can be
well-prepared and be assured of your WEB interview success.
However, if you follow these 3 basic manners for your
upcoming WEB interview, we believe that your chances to win the interview would
be higher than before!
Let’s apply for jobs offered by BOW and put these manners
into practice right away!