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  • 29 January 2024
  • SSW

First day as an Electronics Equipment Assembly staff under Specified Skilled Worker No.1

Five candidates for the factory job in Osaka have successfully obtained the status of residence in Japan as a Specified Skilled Worker No.1 and landed in Japan with greetings from BOW’s staff.

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Before starting the job, the candidates had an orientation session at the BOW office (Osaka). During the orientation session, the things they need to know about life in Japan such as traffic laws, labor laws, how to travel by train, bus, etc., are detailed with practical videos and photos. On the next day, BOW also supports them to open a bank account to receive their salary, find a rental in Japan, etc. to be able to live and work in Japan later conveniently.

In April 2023, 5 candidates started the first day at the Electronics factory with the companion and support from BOW on things to pay attention to during the first days at work.

BOW has directly guided them on how to use the subway from home to work (how to buy a train pass, how to know which train to get on, etc.), how to get on the bus, and queue culture when using public transportation.

When coming to the factory, because the factory is quite large, it is also very important to determine the entrance gate, after that, BOW has supported the English interpretation for them about the factory's regulations, dangerous kinds of stuff, and actions that are strictly prohibited while at the factory, where to take a lunch break, how to apply for a bank card to receive your salary, measure the size of your clothes to suit so that they can move and work conveniently. Furthermore, BOW also provides contact information in case they are unwell as well as updating their emergency contact information individually.

Another equally important is how to use the machine correctly and safely, although there are technical terms that are difficult to understand in Japanese, BOW has also tried to explain the machine manual in English for them so that they can accurately grab information and avoid mistakes in the working process.

Finally, when leaving work, they need to use Timesheet to end the day of work. (Using the Timesheet at the start of the day is required too)

At the end of the day, although all of them were tired after the first day of work with many things to remember, they were less worried about the working environment and excitedly ready for the next working day and life in Japan.