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  • 26 January 2024
  • SSW

Will Automobile transportation be added to “Specified Skilled Worker”?

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism has begun considering hiring foreign workers to drive trucks, buses, and taxis, where there has been a significant labor shortage since the COVID-19 pandemic due to the retirement of most of old taxi, bus, and automobile drivers. The Immigration Services Agency is discussing adding "automobile transportation" to the "Specified Skilled Worker" status of residence, which allows the acceptance of ready-to-work foreign workers in industries with labor shortages.  As Japan faces a shortage of domestic labor due to population decline, the movement to seek employment from foreign human resources is likely to accelerate.

Starting in April 2024, overtime hours for truck drivers will be capped at 960 hours a year. As a result, there are concerns that the labor shortage will become even more serious, leading to a "2024 problem" in which people and goods cannot be transported to meet demands.

The All Japan Trucking Association, the Japan Bus Association, and the National Hire Taxi Federation have clearly stated in their 2023 business plans drawn up this spring that they will require drivers to be added to the list of “Specified Skilled Worker” categories. In response to this, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism has determined the scale of the labor shortage and the number of foreigners expected to be accepted over the next five years and is developing driver-skilled tests tailored to the type of industry, including areas such as loading and unloading luggage and communicating with customers.

Though this plan is currently under consideration, if it is accepted, foreigners' career choices will increase, and they can use their driving skills in the Japanese transportation industry. Suppose this "Automobile transportation" category is added to the Specified Skilled Worker category. In that case, the role of foreigners in Japanese society to solve the "Labor shortage" in Japan is also clearer and clearer.

BOW is an agency (登録支援機関) that helps foreigners find jobs in Specified Skilled Worker, Full-time, and Part-time in Japan in Manufacturing, Foodservice, Accommodation industries without foreign applicants having to pay any fees to get job referrals. We have been introducing jobs successfully for foreigners from different countries such as Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia, India, etc. If you are looking for a job in Japan, don’t hesitate to contact us for more information!